
expand and simplify (x+5)(x-2) expand and simplify (x+2)(x+1)expand and simplify (x+3)(x-4)

Accepted Solution

Answer:[tex]{x}^{2} - x - 12 = (x + 3)(x - 4)[/tex][tex]{x}^{2} + 3x + 2 = (x + 2)(x + 1)[/tex][tex]{x}^{2} + 3x - 10 = (x + 5)(x - 2)[/tex]Step-by-step explanation:F [First terms] - Multiply the first terms in each set of parentheses FARTHEST TO THE LEFTO [Outside terms] - Multiply the first term in the first set of parentheses FARTHEST TO THE LEFT by the last term in the second set of parentheses FARTHEST TO THE RIGHTI [Inside terms] - Multiply the last term in the first set of parentheses FARTHEST TO THE RIGHT by the first term in the second set of parentheses FARTHEST TO THE LEFTL [Last terms] - Multiply the last terms in each set of parentheses FARTHEST TO THE RIGHT[tex]{x}^{2} - x - 12 = {x}^{2} - 4x + 3x - 12[/tex][tex]{x}^{2} + 3x + 2 = {x}^{2} + x + 2x + 2[/tex][tex]{x}^{2} + 3x - 10 = {x}^{2} - 2x + 5x - 10[/tex]I am joyous to assist you anytime.