
What is 85/83 as a percent?

Accepted Solution

Solution: 85/83 as a percent is 102.41% Methods Method 1 – Converting 85/83 Into a Percentage: In a fraction, we can see how many “pieces” of a number are present (in the numerator) compared to how many pieces would make up the whole (the denominator). “Percent” means “per hundred”, which is like asking the question “how many pieces would there be if there were 100 pieces possible?” For example, if we look at the percentage 50%, that means we have 50 pieces of the possible 100. Re-writing this in fraction form, we see 50/100. We can start the process of converting a fraction into a percent, by figuring out how to adjust the fraction so that the denominator will be 100. First, divide 100 by the denominator: 100 83 = 1.205 \frac{100}{83} = 1.205 83 100 ​ = 1.205 Then we can multiply both the numerator and denominator by this number: 85 ∗ 1.205 83 ∗ 1.205 = 102.41 100 \frac{85*1.205}{83*1.205} = \frac{102.41}{100} 83 ∗ 1.205 85 ∗ 1.205 ​ = 100 102.41 ​ This works because multiplying both the numerator and the denominator by the same number is like multiplying it by 1. (1.205 / 1.205 = 1) Re-writing the result as a percentage, we can see that 85/83 as a percentage is 102.41%. Method 2 – Converting 85/83 Into a Percentage Using Decimals: Another common way to convert a fraction into a percentage is to first convert the fraction into a decimal. To convert 85/83 into a percentage, you would first convert 85/83 into a decimal by dividing the numerator by the denominator: 85 83 = 1.024 \frac{85}{83} = 1.024 83 85 ​ = 1.024 Once you have converted the fraction into a decimal, you can simply multiply by 100 to get the percentage: 1.024 x 100 = 102.41 And there you go! Now we can see that 85/83 as a percentage is 102.41%, the same way we did with the first method. Now you know of two ways you can convert 85/83 into a percentage. The best way to master these methods is to practice! Grab a pencil and paper, and come up with some of your own fractions, and become a master at converting them into percentages! Practice more percentage conversion problems With a just a few more problems, you could become a pro at converting fractions to percentages. You can try some more right now! What is 99/27 as a percent? What is 55/9 as a percent? What is 31/61 as a percent? What is 5/60 as a percent? What is 62/22 as a percent?